Riski Mulyani


This research aim to get description of the increasing conceptual understanding through implementation of two type learning model (Discovery Learning and Guided Discovery Learning) to two difference class and to know which the differences of mean more significant to increase conceptual understanding between DL and DL learning model. This research was used quantitative approach with pretest-posttest control group design. The control group class was learned by GDL model. Custer random sampling technique was used in this research with consideration the homogeneity of class. The measurement of conceptual understanding tested using a conceptual understanding test (multiple choice form). The result shown that mean of n-gain score of DL are medium category (n-gain score: 0,49) and GDL is low category ( n-gain score: 0,23). The calculation of parametric statistics (t-test) shown that there is no significant difference of the mean of the increasing conceptual understanding either DL class or GDL class (sig.2-tailed: 0,183). It recommended to further research to more optimize the experiment session for all of the model in order to achieve better result and able to apply these models to another concepts.

Keywords: Discovery Learning, Guided Discovery Learning, conceptual understanding


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Gravity : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika is publihed by Department of Physics Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa jointly with Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI)

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