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Dietista: Journal of Community Service

Dietista: Journal of Community Service with registered number  ISSN XXXX-XXXX (Online) is a scientific Community Service Journal published by Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. It is in the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community like nutrition, food, and health services.

Dietista: Journal of Community Service is an open-access journal and peer reviewed that publishes either original articles or reviews. This journal is published every July and January. This journal focuses on medicine, community nutrition, community nursing, and community service area.

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INOMED (International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Public Health)

INOMED is a scientific publication published by the Medical Science study program. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa which contains research results related to technology development, innovation and novelty of science in the field of relevant medical science at the higher education level.

International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Public Health (INOMED) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer a national and international academic platform for Medical science. This journal publishes articles and reviews scientific in field focus on :

    1. Medical
    2. Biomedicine
    3. Occupational Medicine
    4. Public health
    5. Infectious disease

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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JAWARA (Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan)

Penelitian sebagai salah satu komponen penting dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang dalam praktiknya dapat diimplementasikan dengan melaksanakan penelitian dan mempublikasikan hasilnya dalam jurnal ilmiah atau forum ilmiah lainnya. D3 Keperawatan Untirta sebelumnya telah memilki jurnal ilmiah keperawatan ISSN , namun dalam pengembangannya jurnal ilmiah D3 Keperawatan ingin meningkatkan diri menjadi jurnal yang dapat di buka secara online . Banyakya penelitian dalam bidang ilmu  keperawatan yang dilakukan para dosen, mahasiswa, guru, praktisi dan stakeholder lainnya membutuhkan media untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian tersebut. Melalui publikasi ilmiah, hasil-hasil penelitian dapat dikomunikasikan kepada masyarakat dan dapat diambil maanfaatnya bagi pengembangan sains dan teknologi lebih lanjut. Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut, maka Jurusan Pendidikan Keperawatan UNTIRTA membuat jurnal ilmiah dengan nama JAWARA Jurnal Ilmiah keperawatan sebagai media publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian bidang ilmu keperawatan dan ilmu kesehatan yang relevan.

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Journal of Sport Science and Tourism Activity (JOSITA)

Journal of Sport Science and Tourism Activity (JOSITA) is a scientific publication published by the Sport Science study program. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa which contains research results related to technology development, innovation and novelty of science in the field of relevant sports science at the higher education level.

Journal of Sport Science and Tourism Activity (JOSITA) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer a national and international academic platform for Sport Science and Tourism Activity. This journal publishes articles and reviews scientific in field focus on :

  • Sport Science
  • Sports Health
  • Sports Tourism
  • Sports Fitness
  • Physical Education
  • Sport Nutrition
  • Sports Technology
  • Sports biomechanics
  • Sports Physiology

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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Journal of Systems Engineering and Management

Journal of Systems Engineering and Management

Journal of Systems Engineering and Management (JOSEAM) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published twice a year, in March and September. It is published by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Indonesia.

JOSEAM aims at students, educators, and industrial engineering practitioners. It publishes articles on industrial engineering or related fields, such as production systems and control, manufacturing systems, supply chain, optimization, health and safety, ergonomics, and industrial management.

Submission can be written in English or Indonesia.

We welcome submission from all over the world.

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

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Jurnal Furnace

Furnace is a double-blind-peer-review journal in the fields of engineering, including metallurgical engineering, and material science. Furnace is published by Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa in collaboration with Forum Teknik, Badan Kerja Sama Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (BKS-PTN) Wilayah Barat/Engineering Forum of Western Indonesian Government Universities Board with MoA No.127/UN43.3/KS/2017.

Furnace has become a CrossRef Member since 2015 with prefix 10.36055. Furnace publishes its journal issues in May and November. Furnace has P-ISSN: 2355-1801 (print version). Furnace accept submissions from all over the world. Our Editorial Board members are prominent and active international researchers in engineering and technology fields who ensure efficient, fair, and constructive peer-reviewed processes. All accepted articles will be published on a article publishing charge and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.

Assist. Prof. Indah Uswatun Hasanah, S.Si., MT.
Editor in Chief of Furnace
Departemet of Metallurgical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Cilegon Banten 42435, Indonesia



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Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Tirtayasa

Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Tirtayasa merupakan publikasi ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan Program Studi Ilmu Pertanian Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Artikel yang dimuat merupakan hasil penelitian terhadap teori dan praktek penerapan ilmu pertanian dalam arti luas, meliputi Ilmu Tanaman, Agronomi, Agro-teknologi, AgroEkosistem dan Lingkungan, Ilmu Pangan, Teknologi Pangan, Agribisnis, Sosial-Ekonomi Pertanian, dan Informasi Pertanian.

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Jurnal Teknik Industri

Jurnal Teknik Industri Untirta

Journal of Industrial Engineering Untirta (JTIU) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published twice a year, in March and September. It is published by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Indonesia.

JTIU aims at students, educators, and industrial engineering practitioners. It publishes articles on industrial engineering or related fields, such as production systems and control, manufacturing systems, supply chain, optimization, health and safety, ergonomics, and industrial management.

We welcome submission from all over the world.

IMPORTANT: From November 2022, JTI is no longer receive articles for publications. We will discontinue the journal. You can submit it to the Journal of System Engineering and Management (JOSEAM) instead. Click here to go to JOSEAM. I appreciate your interest in our journal.

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Leuit (Journal of Local Food Security)

Leuit, Journal of Local Food Security is peer-review and open access scientific journal that publishes significant and important research from all area food security. The scope of the research results published in this journal also relates to the main pillars of food security, such as food availability, food accessibility, food utility and food stability.

Leuit, Journal of Local Food Security published by Indonesia Center of Excellence for Food Security, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.  The first issue has published on March, 2020. We accept submission from all over the world. Our Editorial Board members are prominent and active international researchers in food security fields who ensure efficient, fair, and constructive peer-review process. All accepted articles will be published on free charge, and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.

Leuit, Journal of Local Food Security publishes one volume and two issues a year in March and September. The authors are suggested to read and follow the Guideline for Author strictly, otherwise, the paper will be rejected without review. Paper submission should be performed through online submission. 

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TiMER: Trends in Mechanical Engineering Research

TiMER: Trends in Mechanical Engineering Research is a blind-peer-review journal in the field of mechanical engineering. This Journal is published by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa in collaboration with Badan Kerja Sama Teknik Mesin (BKS-TM) Indonesia (Indonesian Mechanical Engineering Cooperation Agency). TiMER Journal has E-ISSN: 3525-4299 (online version) and P-ISSN: 3025--6801 (print version)

TiMER: Trends in Mechanical Engineering Research publishes its journal issues in June and December. We accept submissions from all over the world. Our Editorial Board members are prominent and active international researchers in mechanical engineering fields who ensure efficient, fair, and constructive peer-reviewed processes. All accepted articles will be published on an article publishing for no charge and will be freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.

Ir. Dedy Triawan Suprayogi, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., C.Eng., IPM.

Editor in Chief
TiMER: Trends in Mechanical Engineering Research
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa,

Cilegon Banten 42435, Indonesia


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Tirtayasa Nutrition and Health Journal

Tirtayasa Nutrition and Health Journal is peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles and review articles in all areas of Nutrition and Health. The aim of the journal is to provide researchers and practitioners a platform to share cutting-edge development in the field of nutrition and health.

Tirtayasa Nutrition and Health Journal has issued two times annually, i.e. May and November. Every article that is sent to the Editor, will be reviewed and scrutinized by the editorial board for eligibility or publication without diminishing the substance of the article. The manuscript must be original research and review articles, written in English, and not be simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference

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World Chemical Engineering Journal

World Chemical Engineering Journal/WCEJ (e-ISSN: 2443-2261) is an open access international journal published by Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Sultan AgengTirtayasa, Cilegon, Banten Province, Indonesia. WCEJ publishes original papers and review papers on the fundamental, theoretical as well as applications of Chemical Engineering. WCEJ is published two times a year. This journal covering some aspects of chemical engineering, which are environmental chemical engineering, chemical reaction engineering, bioprocess-chemical engineering, materials synthesis, and processing. The article format can be downloaded here

Editor in Chief

Dr. Iqbal Syaichurrozi., S.T., M.T. (SCOPUS ID: 55881609100)

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