Kovertina Rakhmi Indriana, Cucu Suherman, Santi Rosniawaty, Sumadi Sumadi


The current condition is a lot of the transfer of agricultural land functions into housing and industry. Utilization of marginal land is one of the important solutions to be done. One type of marginal soil is inceptisol, with limiting factors for low soil chemical fertility, especially the element P. The element P can become available for plants with the help of AMF. To reveal the performance of plant growth through the combination of three Jatropha cultivars with the best dose of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and cytokinin concentrations on plant photosynthesis results in two different locations. The experiment starts from January 2019 until June 2019 at an altitude of 0-50 meters above sea level (lowlands) and altitudes from 750 to 850 meters above sea level. The combined trial evaluated jatropha cultivar and the best arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi dose and repeated cytokinin concentrations three times. The results of the experiment
showed that there was a significant effect on each treatment and the interaction between the treatments with the best results was the concentration of cytokinin 400 mg L-1 for plant height growth variables, and the concentration of cytokinin 300 mg L-1 for the variable chlorophyll content of leaves, number of leaves, whereas cytokinin concentration 100 mg L-1 for stomatal conduction activity.


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Jatropha, Cytokinin, Medium land.

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