Identifikasi Osteoporosis Pada Vertebra Spinalis Menggunakan Metode Blended Statistical-Index Singh

Wiyono Wiyono, Budi Nugroho, Noviana Prima, Teguh Firmansyah, Siswo Wardoyo


The purpose of this research is to make osteoporosis detection aid system by utilizing x-ray image of spinal vertebra as research specimen. To improve the accuracy of the identification system, then used blended method between statistical theory and Index Singh as the determinant of osteoporosis level. This study used 50 sempel test of x-ray image of spinal vertebra obtained from RSO dr. R, Soeharso Surakarta. The completion stage of this research is done by pre-processing x-ray image, calculating the area, calculating the number of pixels, and ending by calculating statistically and comparing Index Singh. The results of this study show the representation of the area based on the highest white pixel is 7,983 pixels while the lowest is 5,410 pixels. Having done the overall testing of this system can provide accuracy of 76%.


Osteporosis, vertebra spinalis, Statistical-Index Singh

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