Demokrasi dan Pengawas Pemilu

Dede Sri Kartini


The Implementation of democracy is easily known as a one of the
involvement of the people in determining their leader through the election. But the
implementation of elections without supervision is impossible to produce free
elections, confidential, honest and fair. Electoral supervision theoretically still
use management concepts that certainly need discourse to find concepts and even
the definition of appropriate electoral supervision. This literature study intends to
discuss the definition of electoral supervision, the scope of electoral supervision,
the types of election violations, and then link it with democracy. The history of
electoral supervision will also be presented as an opening of this paper. To
oversee democracy, it is necessary to control elections that are structurally
implemented from the BAWASLU to the PANWASLU in the Villages, as well as
participatory oversight by involving volunteers from the community.


Democracy, Electoral Supervision, Election Offenses

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