Delsa Miranty


The aim of this research is to analyse whether a software for listening able to fill the gap existing in the scarcity of the English listening material for undergraduate students started in the first until forth semester. There are three mainstages that will applied in this research about a research and development from Borg and Gall’s R&D framework: needs assessment as a preliminary study phase, the listening materials development phase, and the last phase a validation. The subjects what will be involved in this research are students from the third semester from English education department in the Teachers’ Training and Education Faculty department who are taking the listening course in a state university in Banten province. Data will be collected during the listening classes for one semester from one class.  The distribution of the task  in each unit, the principles of listening material development for the purpose of organizing language aspects,  also with the principles of the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach and task-based, content-based, problem-based learning for the purpose of task development, and the last the basis for developing both the contents and the language aspects of the listening material on the principles of listening course in which both contents and English the material in English course will be  the main core of the listening material in form of the data of need assessment. A set of questionnaire will be utilized in order to answer the first research  question, evaluate the draft of the supplementary of listening materials and it will be evaluated by experts in form of  the expert judgment phase. Then,  several tests will be given to answer the second research question about  students’ score and its comprehension about the supplementary  listening materials. The listening materials will be  try out during the teaching learning process in which two of English lecturers of  English eduacation department from a state university in Banten province will be involved, in the validation phase. Then, around 90 students will be involved as sources of data. The data will be utilized as a basis of quantiative and qualitative feedback for a final revision of the listening materials.This study is intended for those with a minimum of the English mastery from the intermediate to the advanced level as the final product of the listening material.The listening materials are intended to be commercially available in the market and  as the further step some improvement of listening materials are needed, too.

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