Dwi Ratnasari, Alfera Linggawati, Evi Amelia


Teaching materials are one of the important components that support learning activities to achieve learning goals. Teaching materials will be meaningful if they are related to real life contexts and utilize local potential in the surrounding environment. This study aims to analyze the need for developing contextual-based teaching materials based on microalgae diversity on Tunda Island. The research method used is descriptive method with the number of research subjects 5 high school biology teachers in Serang. The instruments used were questionnaires for teaching material needs for teachers and analysis instruments for preparing LKS. The results of the teacher questionnaire state that 20% is very important and 80% is important in making contextual based teaching materials based on Banten's local biodiversity. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop teaching materials in the form of LKS on the concept of protists for contextual microalgae material to make it easier for students to recognize the local biodiversity of Banten, Tunda Island.

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