Minat Masyarakat Jakarta dalam Berwakaf Uang pada Lembaga Wakaf

Alvien Nur Amalia, Puspita Puspita


This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the intention of Jakarta people to cash waqf. Primary data was collected from a sample of 138 respondents. The dependent variable of this study is the intention to cash waqf and the independent variables are the level of education, income, understanding of religion, socialization of cash waqf programs and the image of waqf institutions. Data were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. The results of this study show, each independent variable that consists of the level of education, income, understanding of religion, socialization of cash waqf programs and the image of waqf institutions have an opportunity to influence Jakarta people intention to cash waqf above 50 percent.


Cash Waqf, Intention, Education, Income, Understanding of Religion, Socialization program, Institution Image.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35448/jiec.v2i2.4382


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