Brand Image dan Keputusan Pemilihan Biro Perjalanan Umrah dengan Faktor Muthawwif sebagai Variabel Moderasi

Sherlly Rahmadani RS, Aidil Alfin, Anne Putri


This study analyzes whether brand equity influences consumers’ decisions in choosing Umrah travel bureau, and whether in moderation by Muthawwif. This study used a sampel of 385 Umrah pilgrims in Bukittinggi City, in 2018. This study revealed that brand equity influences consumer decisions in decision making on Umrah travel agency selectioin, but in this discovery muthawwif moderates negatively the relationship between the two fariabels. This finding offers empirical evidence that muthawwif in small cities is not a consideration in couducting umrah travel bureaus, especially in the city of Bukittinggi. Marketing strategy by using the company’s brand equity in increasing competitiveness with other travel agencies to increase the number of pilgrims who will use the Umrah travel agency.


Brand equity, Keputusan Pembelian, Muthawwif, Biro Perjalanan

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