Implementation of Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Science Process Skills in Junior High School

Tri Yuliani, Marjanah Marjanah, Setyoko Setyoko


This study aimed to determine how students' science process skills are by applying a guided inquiry learning model to the material of the interaction of living beings to the environment at one of the junior high schools at Langsa city, Indonesia. The type of research used is experimental research with the form of pre-experimental design, and the research design is one shot case study. The results showed the highest percentage value of science process skills in the observation/observing indicator, namely obtaining a score of 78.95% with the "good" category. The average score on the science process skills indicator of the overall indicator is 66.73%, with the category "sufficient." Based on the results obtained, the value of science process skills with the implementation of a guided inquiry learning model on the interaction material of living beings to the class VII environment at one of the junior high schools at Langsa obtained an average score of 63.17% with the category of "sufficient.".


Science process skills; Guided inquiry learning; Junior high schools; Interaction of living things material

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