This article focuses on discussing the influence of the environment on student personality development. Basically, the environment has a big influence on a person's attitudes, character and morals. If students are in a good environment it will have a positive impact on character growth and development. The family environment plays an important role in personality development. This research aims to reveal the influence of the home environment on students' personality development. This research was conducted through a literature review or bibliography by referring to research results in relevant journals available on electronic media. A literature review shows that the home environment is a place for a child's complete growth and development. The home environment is the first education where children can learn anything. The home environment is also a place where students practice the character values instilled in 4,444 schools. The conclusion of this article is that the family environment plays an important role in the development of students' personalities, and students obtain their most important educational opportunities through the role of parents and the home environment. A harmonious home environment really supports the child's personality development process and ensures its implementation to the maximum.
Keywords: Role of environment, character formation, students
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