Arik Bassam


Preparing generasi demi meneruskan nation became fundamental in facing transition or development of  in the era in beginning of abad ke 21 this. Hal What can be prepared is the right teaching method so that each school can produce human resources with quality.STEAM or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics is a learning method that focuses on developing skills to face the 21st century, especially in the field of basic education. Meanwhile, this research aims to identify how  and  implement the STEAM method at the elementary school level on an international or national scale. SLR is a method used in conjunction with , a qualitative approach, or also called meta-synthesis. The literature study used was 5 journals obtained via Google Scholar. After conducting a literature study, it can be found that the implementation of STEAM in elementary schools in Indonesia is to guide students to ask questions, prepare project plans, prepare, a  schedule, carry out monitoring,  carry out  tests and assess, and evaluate  and  experiences. Then in schools based on international, the implementation of STEAM is recognizing  various  material components,  then  designing components, implementing then presenting  there is a  activity or a  project created by together. STEAM will give  a  impact that  has for students, especially in soft skills and outcome skills.


primary school; steam learning.Introduction The 21st century forces all humans to have skills, especially in the field of education.

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