Empowerment Strategy Through the Program Keluarga Harapan(PKH)
The Indonesian government's initiative to combat poverty through the Family Hope Program (PKH) represents a significant step towards enhancing social welfare and reducing poverty in the country. Enacted under Law No. 40 of 2004 concerning Social Security and further accelerated by Presidential Regulation No. 15 of 2010, the PKH aims to provide assistance to very poor households, particularly in accessing essential health services and primary education. This program is a response to the persistent challenges of widespread poverty and inadequate human resource development, seeking to address systemic inequalities and promote inclusive growth. This study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) to delve into the community empowerment strategies inherent in the PKH implementation. Through a meticulous examination of existing research, the SLR methodology offers valuable insights into the efficacy and complexities of community empowerment strategies within the context of the PKH program. While the PKH program has demonstrated commendable progress in fostering socioeconomic empowerment, challenges such as institutional deficiencies and ineffective communication strategies persist. However, success stories from districts such as Patean and Arjawinangun highlight the transformative potential of effective communication, institutional collaboration, and community engagement in achieving sustainable socioeconomic progress. In conclusion, the PKH program represents a crucial intervention in Indonesia's poverty alleviation efforts. As the nation navigates the complexities of poverty and development, collective action, institutional efficacy, and policy innovation emerge as essential components in fostering a more equitable and inclusive society.