The aim of this research is to analyze and determine the influence of social media and beauty vlogger on the learning interest of make-up training participants at LKP Cilegon City. The population in this study was 120 training participants in LKP Cilegon City, namely LKP Sekar Asih and LKP Sri Tanjung, with a sample calculated using the Slovin formula of 92 training participants. This research was conducted against the background of many people interested in becoming professional make-up artists, but there are still a small number of people who do not have training competency certification in their field. This data collection was carried out by observation, sending out surveys and recording research. This research method uses multiple regression analysis with a quantitative approach. The data was then processed using the SPSS-25 software program. The results of this research show that: (1) social media has a significant effect on learning interest of makeup training participants at LKP Cilegon City, (2) beauty vlogger has a significant effect on learning interest of makeup training participants at LKP Cilegon City, (3) social media and beauty vloggers have a significant influence on learning interest of makeup training participants at LKP Cilegon City.
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