Unveiling the Success of an Indonesian Self-Taught English Learner: A Case Study in Mobile Technology-Mediated Autonomous Language Learning

Ritueli Daeli


This study investigates the case of an Indonesian English learner who increased her linguistic proficiency through the self-taught use of mobile applications and identifies insights into the potential of mobile technology for autonomous language learning. Employing an instrumental case study approach, this qualitative research explores the strategies and features within mobile applications that were most effective in fostering self-taught language learning and developing communicative skills.  The subject of the case study was an undergraduate teacher-trainee majoring in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) who demonstrated an exceptionally high increase in proficiency in English acquired independently using mobile applications over a three-year period. Data was collected through in-depth interviews to provide details of the subject’s language learning journey. Thematic analysis revealed that a combination of interactive communication practices, immersive learning environments, social learning, motivation, and consistent practice were pivotal in enhancing the increase in the subject’s language proficiency. Language input from Fondi’s virtual spaces (Plaza, Lounge, and Bar) and a variety of English-language media significantly improved comprehension and fluency in speaking and listening. The study highlights the importance of incorporating interactive and gamified elements, real-time feedback, and personalized learning experiences via mobile language learning apps. Future research should focus on longitudinal studies and include diverse learner populations to expand the applicability of these findings. The insights from this study lay a foundation for further innovation and research, aiming to enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of autonomous language learning technologies.

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