Students' Mathematical Thinking Process in Solving Mathematical Problem Solving Problems

Tohonan Kristina Butarbutar


This research aims to describe students' mathematical thinking processes in solving problem solving problems. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this research were 3 students in class VII of Bonapasogit Private Middle School, consisting of one student with high mathematics ability, one student with moderate mathematics ability and one student with low mathematics ability. The process observed is the structure of students' thinking processes when solving comparative problems. For students with high abilities, it is in accordance with the indicators of the student's thinking process, namely from the entry stage to the review stage. For students with medium abilities, they almost meet the indicators of the student's thinking process, namely starting from the entry stage , they have fulfilled the know and want aspects . Meanwhile, in the attack stage , it only fulfills the try and mybe aspects . Meanwhile, students with low abilities answered incorrectly according to what was given. Therefore, students with moderate mathematics ability need to be given scaffolding in the attack and review phases. Students with low mathematical abilities need scaffolding in the entry, attack and review phases . After providing scaffolding , subjects with high, medium and low abilities fulfill all phases of mathematical thinking. So that the subject can solve the HOTS category problem solving questions correctly.


Mathematical Thinking Process, Mathematical Problems

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