Implementation of Santri Character Education Through Tahfidz and Language Club Programs at Al Muhaimin Modern Islamic Boarding School

Diva Nur Safitri


This study aims to evaluate and identify the application of tahfidz and language club programs in shaping the character of students at the Al Muhaimin Modern Islamic Boarding School. The existing problems are that there are still many students who underestimate or do not obey the predetermined memorization deposit schedule, the methods and strategies used during language club learning are not specific and clear. In addition, the lack of self-confidence so that there are bad habits that they still do, then also some students still feel jealous and the sense of their home environment they still bring to the boarding school, which can hinder character building. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation with research subjects including principals, educators, and students. The results showed that these programs are effective in shaping the character of santri, improving discipline, responsibility, and the ability to work together. However, some challenges such as lack of confidence and honesty still need to be overcome. In conclusion, the implementation of the Tahfidz and Language Club programs at Al Muhaimin Modern Islamic Boarding School has been successful in shaping the Islamic character of students, although there are several aspects that require further improvement.


Character Education; Language Club; Tahfidz

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