The Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Da'wah Training at Baladi Ad-Dakwah Center (BAC) Kresek

Rizal Al Faqih


This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of da'wah training at Baladi Ad-Dakwah Center (BAC) Kresek. The main objective is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing training programs and provide relevant recommendations for future improvements. The research methodology includes observations, in-depth interviews with participants and instructors, and surveys focusing on environmental analysis, participant needs, training processes, and achieved outcomes.Through this comprehensive approach, the research seeks to delve deeper into how training programs are conducted, the factors influencing their effectiveness, and the extent to which program goals are achieved. Findings indicate that participants' mastery of religious knowledge and rhetorical skills are key indicators of program success. Observations show that program graduates are able to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their daily lives and in community da'wah activities.The research also identifies several areas needing improvement, such as enhancing the quality of instructors, updating training materials to address contemporary issues, and developing facilities and learning resources. Other recommendations include adjusting training schedules for greater flexibility and developing advanced programs or mentoring to support participants' development post-training.With the results and recommendations generated, this research is expected to significantly contribute to enhancing the quality and effectiveness of da'wah training programs at BAC Kresek. It also aims to serve as a reference for other da'wah institutions in developing comprehensive and adaptive training programs that respond to changing times.


Evaluation, Da'wah Training, Baladi Ad-Dakwah Center, Program Effectiveness, Improvement Recommendations

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