Special education teaching module for ADHD children

Alyya Rizka Maulida


Education plays a crucial role in shaping a high-quality society and developing individuals. This article emphasizes the importance of education in shaping the personalities and potentials of learners. Additionally, it discusses the fundamental concept of ADHD, including its diverse causal factors. Effective learning systems for children with ADHD emphasize structure, immediate rewards, and differentiated teaching approaches, which are highly beneficial. Structured classroom management is also essential to create an environment conducive to diverse learning needs. With a better understanding of ADHD and appropriate teaching strategies, children with ADHD can achieve their optimal learning potential.


Special services for children experiencing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are crucial for addressing and reducing the diverse symptoms of hyperactivity. Children with ADHD are commonly encountered in daily life, particularly during school-age to adolescence. If not addressed promptly, this condition can impact their diverse futures significantly. Children with ADHD require special attention to enhance their diverse potentials and abilities. This includes self-control to manage their diverse hyperactivity, improving their diverse attention spans, and controlling their diverse impulsivity. Additionally, they require different learning approaches compared to other children with diverse needs. Inclusive schools provide opportunities by offering a friendly and supportive educational environment, which is beneficially diverse. This helps them interact with peers and enhances their diverse readiness for learning. Implementing these special services is crucial to assist children with ADHD in achieving their diverse full potential.

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