inez tri agustina


Vocational skills programs are an important aspect of guiding independence and preparing
ADHD children for life in the community. Where the development of these skills can help
them prepare themselves to carry out career development in the vocational field of
information and computer technology. Career development in vocational skills in the field
of information and computer technology for children with ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder) has great potential in increasing their abilities and opportunities
in a career, even though they have a concentration disorder that does not mean they cannot
be tried and trained, because they may have abilities in the field of technology that we do
not know. However, even though the job prospects are good, it does not mean that there
are no obstacles, one of which is the obstacles in individual children with ADHD, as well
as solutions and efforts so that ADHD children can succeed with their abilities in the field
of technology starting from building their curiosity, building the right environment,
understanding what they want and need in their career development process,



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