Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Banten-Indonesia email correspondence: [email protected]

Nisrina Aulia Zahira


This article examines the effectiveness of individualized education programs (IEPs) for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) through a systematic literature review. ADHD, which affects 5-7% of school-aged children, is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can have a significant impact on academic achievement and social-emotional development. This review reveals that well-designed PPI can significantly improve academic and behavioral outcomes of ADHD children. Effective strategies include explicit instruction, positive reinforcement, multisensory approaches, curriculum accommodations, and use of technology. Parental involvement is also very important in effective IEP implementation. Furthermore, this article emphasizes the importance of recognizing and developing ADHD children's unique strengths, such as creativity and lateral thinking. However, effective IEP implementation faces challenges, especially in developing countries like Indonesia, including lack of resources, training, and social stigma. This article calls for increased commitment, resources and collaboration from all parties, as well as further contextualized research. In conclusion, effective PPI for ADHD children is not only about overcoming challenges, but also celebrating diversity and building a more inclusive, innovative and diverse society.


ADHD; IEP; Individualization; Program.


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