Athira Amarilys Special Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. Email correspondence: [email protected]

Athira Amarilys Gusman


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often associated with academic problems, yet many individuals with this condition have a strong aptitude and interest in the arts. Nonetheless, ADHD-related challenges such as difficulty maintaining focus, managing impulses and emotions can become barriers to the development of a vocational arts career if not addressed appropriately. This article explores strategies and approaches to help individuals with ADHD develop careers in the field. Key to this is early identification of ADHD and timely intervention through comprehensive evaluations by professionals, as well as the implementation of interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, self-management training, and medication if needed. Interventions should be tailored to individual needs, such as time management strategies to overcome difficulties maintaining focus or relaxation techniques to manage emotions. Support from the surrounding environment, especially family, teachers and health professionals, is also very important in facilitating skill development and self-management. In addition, there are specific skills training programs and resources to support ADHD individuals in pursuing vocational arts careers. With better understanding and an inclusive environment, individuals with ADHD can develop their talents in the arts to their full potential.

Keywords: Arts; Career; Development; Vocational.


Keywords: Arts; Career; Development; Vocational.

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