The Role of Parents and Teachers in Sexual Education for Special Needs Children

Meirizka Fahriyah


Children with special need often become targets of sexual harassment, 105 cases of sexual violence against women with disabilities were recorded in 2023 not just that chidren with special need can even be a culprit of secual harassment because they did not know wthat they doing is wrong, like if they suddenly kissing or hugging other people without their concent. Therefore a sex education is important to be taught to them. But where should sex education be held? at school or at home? It is actually taught at both place, in school it is a teacher duty to teach about sexuality and when at home it become the parents role. The end result of this article is parents and teacher have an important roles to teach special need children about sexualities. Parents role is to teach them about sex education from the basic knowledge such as who can touch and see their body parts at home, beside that parent is also having a role in becoming a figure that will be an example for their children about marriage relationship. As for teacher, they usually teach about periods, norms about sex in society, genders and how to behave in a relationship. Teacher also need t be an example for their students from how they dressed, how they interract with another gender, and also giving their student an advice on what can or cannot be done in a relationship.

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