Pragmatics: Principles of Politeness in Irony and Humor on Deddy Corbuzier's Podhub YouTube Channel and Implications for Indonesian Language Learning

Novia Katingal Maharani


This study aims to analyze the principles of politeness in the use of irony and humor in the PodHub content on Dedy Corbuzier's YouTube Channel and its implications for Indonesian language learning. This research employs a qualitative descriptive method. The data sources for this study are video broadcasts in the PodHub content featuring Desy Ngapak and Angie on Dedy Corbuzier's YouTube channel. The objects of this study are the utterances in the video broadcasts on Dedy Corbuzier's YouTube channel in the PodHub content that contain principles of irony and humor. The data collection technique used in this study is the observation method. The data analysis technique involves describing the data in the form of transcribed utterances that contain principles of irony, humor, and politeness. Then, the overall data will be analyzed for its implications for Indonesian language learning in the classroom. The results of this study indicate that irony and humor can both adhere to and violate the principles of politeness, such as the maxim of agreement, wisdom, and humility. In the context of learning, irony and humor can increase learning motivation, improve communication skills, encourage critical thinking, create a positive learning environment, and reduce student anxiety. However, it is important to pay attention to the principles of politeness to avoid misunderstandings and offenses. This research contributes to understanding the effective application of irony and humor in Indonesian language learning in the classroom, thus creating a more interactive and enjoyable learning atmosphere.



Irony; humor; Indonesian language learning.

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