Code-Mixing in the Social Media Account X @catchmeupco and Its Implications for Indonesian Language Learning in Junior High School
The problem in this research is the types, forms, and factors influencing the occurrence of code-mixing on the social media account X @catchmeupco and its implications for Indonesian language learning in junior high school. The purpose of this research is to describe the types, forms, and factors influencing the occurrence of code-mixing on the social media account X @catchmeupco in October 2023 posts and to understand its implications for Indonesian language learning in junior high school. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that (1) all the data found are types of internal and external code-mixing, (2) the forms of code-mixing found include words, phrases, hybrid forms, and clauses, (3) the use of English words is more frequently found on the social media account X @catchmeupco, (4) the factors influencing the use of code-mixing on the social media account X @catchmeupco include linguistic limitations, trend influences, and changing times, and (5) in accordance with KD 3.2 regarding examining the structure and language of news texts and KD 4.2 regarding presenting data and information in the form of news orally and in writing by paying attention to structure, language, or oral aspects, this research can be used as teaching material for news texts for grade VIII, first semester, because it contains many elements of code-mixing.
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