Ebok Ebok


Education is the main foundation in shaping individual personality and competence. In facing the era of globalization which is full of intense competition, the ability to be independent and innovate is very important. One of the relevant educational approaches to form an independent personality is entrepreneurial skills education or entrepreneurship education. This research aims to conduct a literature review related to entrepreneurial skills education in shaping entrepreneurial independence. The method used in this research is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. The stages of this research are determining keywords, searching according to criteria, and analyzing articles. Researchers used 5 Sinta indexed journal articles obtained from Google Scholar with the help of the Publish or Perish application. Based on the literature review, entrepreneurial skills education can significantly improve the ability of individuals to be independent in entrepreneurship. Independence is characterized by an attitude of being able to make decisions, discipline, confidence, creativity, and innovation.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Skills Education, Entrepreneurial Independence, Systematic Literature Review (SLR).


Entrepreneurial Skills Education, Entrepreneurial Independence, Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

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