Safira Oktaviana


This study explores teachers' perceptions of the challenges they face in handling children with special needs (CSN) in inclusive education settings in Indonesia. Perception is the process by which information is received and interpreted by individuals, influencing how they interact with their environment. Teachers play a crucial role in inclusive education, where the success of education depends on their competence and attitudes towards CSN. However, the condition of inclusive education in Indonesia is still limited, with many communities not yet open to the presence of CSN.

The research method used is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which involves the identification, review, evaluation, and interpretation of existing research over the past 10 years (2014-2022). This study identifies the main challenges faced by teachers in inclusive education, including a lack of knowledge and skills in handling CSN, limited facilities and infrastructure, and a lack of regulatory support and collaboration among teachers. Results from 6 journals indexed by Sinta show that most articles related to CSN were published in Sinta 3 and Sinta 5 indexed journals.

The findings of this study indicate that teachers' perceptions of inclusive education vary. Some teachers have positive perceptions and are ready to implement inclusive education, while others still face various obstacles. These obstacles include a lack of adequate training and learning models, as well as a lack of support from educational institutions. Additionally, teachers face challenges in adjusting assessment and learning methods to meet the special needs of CSN.

This study highlights the importance of enhancing training and support for teachers in inclusive education, as well as the need for improved facilities and resources. Thus, it is hoped that inclusive education in Indonesia can become more effective and that CSN can receive education that meets their needs.


inclusive, children with special needs, perceptions, systematic literature review

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