The phenomenon of bullying is prevalent in primary and junior high schools in Indonesia. It occurs in late childhood and adolescence when social interactions between peers and children, especially when they spend more time at school, make interactions with peers and teachers an integral part of them. Based on the preliminary study conducted by the researcher from SMP Negeri 1 Rangkasbitung, from what was known by the counselling guidance teacher that 35 students in class VII, 22 students in class VIII, and 11 students in class IX were victims of people who bullied, and it turned out that the majority of bullying perpetrators were constitutional because of physical conditions (body odour, black skin, economic backwardness, thin, and fat). The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of students who were victims of bullying in SMP Negeri 1 Rangkasbitung. The qualitative instrument is personal to the researcher himself (human instrument). From all the data obtained, it can be formulated into three themes, namely the causes of adolescents becoming victims of bullying, self-defence of adolescent victims of bullying, and the impact of bullying on victims. Students become victims of bullying at school because they have different physical, behavioural, and social characteristics from their peers. Social characteristics of people who get bullying treatment. Physical characteristics include being teased for talking too much, teased for not being smart enough, and made fun of for being a tomboy and playing with boys.
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