Implementation of the natural materials center learning model in increasing student creativity

hani safitri safitri


Learning centers are learning that focuses on one point or skill. All activities distributed by educators to each child have the aim of stimulating the development perspective of children aged 0-6 years. The Natural Materials Center is a place specifically designed to provide opportunities for children to interact directly with various types of natural materials. The method used in this research is Systematic Literature Review or SLR. Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a method used to assess and interpret all existing research in a particular field or phenomenon. The stages in this research are determining the problem formulation 1) What is the concept of the Natural Materials Center Learning Model 2) Implementation The concept of natural materials learning centers in The implementation aspect found by researchers is that natural materials centers are widely implemented in Indonesia with positive results. Learning using the materials center method in several regions has been well implemented. Learning natural materials can be a rich learning source and support the development of various aspects of children's intelligence.

Keyword :  Natural  Materials Center,  Systematic Literature Review (SLR), Creativity


Early childhood Education Programs, Central Learning, Creativity

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