The Importance of Changing People's Mindset About Stunting Reduction Rates Through Community Counseling at Posyandu Kemuning VIII Cilegon City
Posyandu Kemuning VIII is one of the community health service centers in Cilegon City that provides a range of basic health services, including antenatal check-ups, immunizations, and child growth monitoring. This study aims to explore the role of Posyandu Kemuning VIII in improving the health and well-being of the community, as well as to identify factors that influence the success and challenges faced by this posyandu. The research methods used included in-depth interviews with
posyandu cadres, participatory observation of posyandu activities, and document analysis related to posyandu activities and community health. The results showed that Posyandu Kemuning VIII succeeded in improving community access to basic health services, increasing community health knowledge and awareness, strengthening community involvement in health maintenance efforts, and empowering women through their roles as posyandu cadres. However, the study also identified some challenges faced by Posyandu Kemuning VIII, such as limited resources and lack of support from the government and related parties. The conclusions highlight the important role posyandu plays in improving community health and well-being, and the need for greater efforts in providing adequate support to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of this posyandu.
Keywords: Templates; Posyandu, public health, empowerment, health access.