Empowering Dharma Wanita Handicraft Program Participants Through Flexible and Inclusive Learning Community

Laras Sati


Every day the amount of waste is seen to be increasing, waste is the residual material or product that is no longer used as a consumption or production item if the waste is directly disposed of without any prior treatment, it will become garbage. directly disposed of without any treatment first will become garbage, for this reason, reducing waste can be done using the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, and recycle. For this reason, reducing waste can be done using the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The purpose of the socialization of students at Dharma Wanita to reuse waste to make items that can be reused can contribute to the can contribute to the decrease of environmental pollution, produce handicraft products, fostering a prosperous entrepreneurial community in an effort to be self-reliant. Using creativity to turn waste into handicrafts is seen as a sufficient solution with marketability and the potential to produce visually appealing products. produce visually appealing products. The handicraft program became one of the efforts in developing the skills and economy of participants especially for the Dharma Wanita members, however, it is often challenging to provide a flexible and inclusive approach to improving the flexible and inclusive approach to improving the skills and well-being of participants in the Dharma Wanita handicraft program. This study aims to evaluate effectiveness and impact of the Dharma Wanita handicraft program implemented through a flexible and inclusive learning community. implemented through a flexible and inclusive learning community may be a useful tactic for improving a useful tactic to improve the skills and wellbeing of Dharma Wanita members through a handicraft program. The implication of this research is the importance of adopting an approach that is responsive to the needs and members' needs and characteristics in designing and implementing flexible and inclusive learning programs. flexible and inclusive learning programs, with this approach handicraft program participants can feel more empowered and motivated because they have access to the resources that they need.


Inclusive, Craft, Flexible

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