Holistic Approach in Handling Street Children at the Aulia Qurrota Aini Foundation

Suroya Azfa Ni'mah


Street children are children who spend most of their time on the streets earning a living or hanging out on the streets and in public places. We can find them in various public places such as red lights, in front of shopping centers and other places. The purpose of this study is to determine how the holistic approach affects the handling of street children at the Aulia Qurrota Aini Foundation. The type of method used in this research is to use qualitative methods, namely by conducting observations and interviews as well as literature review, which is a research method that seeks to understand a particular phenomenon or context through descriptive and interpretative methods. This research was conducted at the Aulia Qurrota Aini Foundation which coincides on Jl. Karomatul Auliya Mosque, Kramatwatu, Kec. Kramatwatu, Serang Regency, Banten. Field observations were carried out at Yayasan Aulia Qurrota Aini, where this place is a place to see how children can develop and how they can receive education in general. In the implementation of holistic assistance in dealing with these street children, by providing lessons on awareness of the importance of education. Aulia Qurrata Aini Foundation's holistic approach to the care of street children shows that comprehensive and integrated handling can have a significant impact on improving the quality of life of street children. This approach involves various aspects of the child's life, including education, health services, psychosocial support and vocational training. 


Street Children; Holistic Approach.

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