Effect Of Differentiated Learning On Science Literacy Skills Of Junior High School Students

Ainun Nadhifah


This study aims to determine how the implementation of differentiated learning with the Discovery Learning model, is there an effect of differentiated learning on student abilities, and how students respond to differentiated learning. The research design used in this research is Pre-Experimental Design with Pretest-Posttest Control Group design form. The data analysis technique in this research is quantitative. This research was conducted in one of the schools in Lamongan in the 2023/2024 school year with a sample size of 60 students. The results showed that 1) Based on the observation results, the implementation of differentiated learning with the Discovery Learning model is included in the very good category with an average observation score of 88%. 2) Differentiated learning is proven to have a significant effect and can improve science literacy skills as evidenced by the N-Gain results of 0.70 in class 7D and 0.66 in class 7E. 3) Student responses to the application of differentiated learning fall into the very good category, as evidenced by the percentage of students answering the questionnaire of 90% in the very good category, 8.3% in the Good category, 1.6% in the Fair category, and 0% answering Very Poor.


Differentiated Learning, Discovery Learning, Science Literacy.

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