Virtual Debate Community: A Study on Students’ Perception and Improvement in English Debating Skills
Advancements in technology have significantly enhanced global learning, particularly in debate. With debating competitions like the National University Debating Championships (NUDC) becoming mandatory, universities face the challenge of preparing skilled debaters. The advent of virtual debate communities through platforms such as Zoom, WhatsApp, and Discord has addressed logistical issues like scheduling and finding sparring partners. This research, utilizing qualitative methods including questionnaires, interviews, and documentation, reveals that students appreciate these platforms for improving their English and debating skills, expanding their networks, and boosting motivation, and create an effective platform for practices. However, internet connectivity issues often hinder the effectiveness of feedback and engagement. Future research should focus on solutions for connectivity problems, compare the effectiveness of different virtual platforms, and explore the long-term impact and experiences of diverse student groups.
Keywords: Virtual debate communities; students’ perception and improvement; English Debating Skills.
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