Education and culture are two important elements that are interrelated in shaping society. Education serves as a tool for transferring knowledge, skills, and values from generation to generation, while culture encompasses the traditions, norms, and ways of life that shape the identity of a group of people. Through education, individuals can understand and appreciate their culture, as well as learn to adapt and innovate in an ever-evolving society. One way to develop culture in education is to internalize cultural literacy in the local content curriculum. The local content curriculum and cultural literacy complement each other in forming a contextual and inclusive education. The local content curriculum is designed to incorporate distinctive elements of local culture and traditions into the learning process, so that students can understand and appreciate the rich culture that exists around them. Meanwhile, cultural literacy includes a broader understanding of different cultures, both local and global, as well as the skills to interact sensitively in multicultural contexts. By integrating cultural literacy into the local content curriculum, education not only strengthens students' cultural identities but also prepares them to function effectively in an increasingly diverse society. The synergy between the two helps to create a learning environment that values differences, enriches the student experience, and prepares them to face global challenges with relevant knowledge and skills. This study uses a literature study method, and the results of this study explain that cultural literacy, which is very important to internalize in the local content curriculum, is able to create education that has a close understanding of culture.
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