Developing the Potential of Street Children through Creative Learning at Aulia Qurrota Aini Foundation
This research examines the development of street children's potential through creative learning at the Aulia Qurrota Aini Foundation.The background of this study is poverty and other factors that cause children to live on the streets, thus requiring effective interventions to improve their quality of life.Yayasan Aulia Qurrota Aini provides various programs such as halfway houses,skills training,and nonformal education specifically designed to meet the needs of street children.The creative learning applied in these programs aims to stimulate children's creativity and imagination,help them develop practical skills,and increase productivity and self development.The purpose of this research is to understand the learning needs of street children and identify the challenges they face,this research focuses on developing the potential of street children through creative learning and skills training provided by Yayasan Aulia Qurrota Aini.The research method used is qualitative,with in depth interviews and participatory observation to understand the learning needs of street children and identify the challenges they face.The results show that the halfway house program provides protection and basic needs that are urgently needed by street children.Skills training and non-formal education help them develop skills that can be used to find jobs or start their own businesses in the future.Creative learning has also proven effective in helping street children overcome trauma and develop social skills.This research provides policy recommendations to improve the effectiveness of street children empowerment programs,including the expansion of shelter home programs,improving the quality of nonformal education,and integrating creative learning methods into the curriculum.With the right support,street children can have a brighter future and contribute positively to society.
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