The purpose of this article is to determine community participation in managing hydroponics, improve community knowledge and attitudes in managing hydroponics. The method used in this research is a literature study by analyzing articles that have been published by previous researchers. This research uses a literature study that is systematically carried out to collect, process and summarize data using methods that aim to find answers to the problems at hand. It is related to community participation in managing hydroponics. The results of the study show: (1) community participation in managing hydroponics can be seen from the activeness of the community (2) there is an increase in knowledge about how to manage hydroponics in the neighborhood (3) there is an increase in the standard of living of the local community. All communities can actively participate if they understand how to manage hydroponics properly. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that community participation through hydroponic management can have a positive impact on the community. Due to the existence of agricultural initiatives through hydroponics, the community is able to implement hydroponic methods or methods independently, they can increase crop production with better results and help reduce dependence on environmental factors. In addition, empowerment
Keywords: community participation, hydroponics, methods
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