Analysis of Language Style in the Lyrics of the Song Mad Woman's Seduction by Nadin Amizah and Its Relevance as Learning Material for Poetry Appreciation in High School

Yulia Dwi Yulia Dwi Putriani


This research aims to identify and describe the analysis of language styles in the lyrics of the song Mad Woman's Seduction by Nadin Amizah and its relevance as learning material for poetry appreciation in high school. The data source in this research was obtained from written sources, namely the lyrics of the song Mad Woman's Seduction by Nadin Amizah. The method used in this research is a qualitative description using note-reading techniques, namely, firstly reading and listening to the song lyrics, secondly recording the figures of speech found and grouping them using Keraf's (2006) language style theory, thirdly interpreting the meaning of the song lyrics, and finally drawing conclusions from the data that has been analyzed. The results of this research are (1) the lyrics of the song Mad Woman's Seduction by Nadin Amizah have various language styles, namely Rhetorical styles (Erotesis, Litotes, Assonation, and Ellipsis) and Figures of speech (Metaphor, Simile, Personification, and Irony), as for the use of language styles The most dominant language style is a kind of question that is used to achieve emphasis on the rhetorical category of eroticism. Apart from that, the use of language styles has several functions, namely to beautify the sound, clarify the image of an object or feeling, enliven and evoke the atmosphere. (2) The lyrics of the song Mad Woman's Seduction by Nadin Amizah are relevant to use as learning material for students in high school class and so forth. And (3) Learning poetry appreciation using the lyrics of the song Mad Woman's Seduction in high school can be done in three stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation and reflection.


language style; lyrics of the song Seduction of a Crazy Woman; Learning Materials for Poetry Appreciation in High School.

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