Irma Septiana


Social rehabilitation is a process of overcoming individuals who experience impaired physical and mental functions and who experience impaired social conditions where there is no satisfaction in the social environment. This research aims to describe the concept of social rehabilitation for drug users, how it is implemented, the challenges, supporting factors and inhibiting factors of the implementation of social-based rehabilitation. A number of research articles are used to strengthen the discussion described in this research. This research uses a literature study with the method used, namely systematic review literature (SLR) to analyze literature from various relevant previous studies. The stages of this research are determining keywords, searching according to criteria, and analyzing articles. Data for the literature study was collected with the help of publish or perish software. Access used to search for articles reviewed using the Google Scholar database with a span of the last 10 years. The results showed that the implementation of social rehabilitation is conceptually mature, supported by ministerial and government regulations regarding the importance of implementing social rehabilitation for drug users. Several rehabilitation methods to optimize implementation so that users no longer use drugs. However, some rehabilitation institutions have obstacles in implementation such as lack of facilities and infrastructure, rehabilitation that is optional or not mandatory, instructors who do not arrive on time, and the absence of modules that can support the implementation of rehabilitation.

Keywords: Social Rehabilitation; Drug Users.

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