Anisa Putri Larasati



Serang Book Party (SBP) is a literacy community in Serang City that holds regular activities such as book discussions, book reviews, and writing workshops. This journal aims to analyze the influence of SBP on the quality level of youth literacy in Serang City. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and literature studies. The results showed that SBP has a positive influence on the quality level of youth literacy in Serang City. This is evidenced by the increase in reading interest, writing skills, and critical thinking skills of young people who participate in SBP activities.

Keywords: Serang Book Party (SBP), Literacy, Literature


Keywords: Serang Book Party (SBP), Literacy, Literature

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Literacy culture in Indonesia is still relatively low. This is caused by several factors, such as Indonesian people are more accustomed to oral communication culture and language culture. People prefer to watch and follow television programs rather than reading. The development of information and communication technology has made the internet a more popular source of information due to its ease and speed of access. This low literacy culture has an impact on people's environmental knowledge and awareness. For this reason, it is necessary to apply the Environmental Literacy Learning Model to increase this knowledge and awareness. This learning model is important to strengthen students' understanding of their role in preserving and protecting the environment.

The application of the Environmental Literacy Learning Model can have positive impacts, such as: Improving students' understanding of environmental concepts and principles. Improve students' ability to interpret scientific information related to environmental issues. Developing awareness and sustainable action in maintaining and preserving the environment. Thus, the Discussion-Based Environmental Literacy Learning Model is expected to be a solution to improve literacy culture and environmental awareness in Indonesia.


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