Analysis of the Mathematical Connection Ability of Junior High School Students

Widi Rahmawati Drajat, Al Jupri


This research examines the relationship between mathematical connections and learning communities, identifies the most suitable form of learning to enhance mathematical connections through a learning community approach, and develops strategies for assessing mathematical connection abilities to inform mathematics teachers and lecturers. The study focuses on teaching mathematical connection skills using a learning community approach at various educational levels. The dimensions analyzed include mathematical connections based on period, education level, and school mathematics topics used in learning activities. The research method employed is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which includes identifying, analyzing, and interpreting existing research. The overall analysis results obtained are (1) distribution of data on searches for mathematical connection skills, learning community mathematics teaching skills, and mathematical connections through the learning community approach, based on year of publication, level of education, and mathematics topics used; (2) the impact of the learning community on the capacity to make mathematical connections; and (3) learning methods to improve mathematical connections through a learning community approach. This literature review suggests that teachers can optimize the development of mathematical connections in student learning by helping students understand the questions posed in each problem.


Mathematical connections; Learning communities; Systematic literature.

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