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Empowering housewives through home industries in Cisait Village is a step towards improving the welfare of housewives. This research aims to understand the effects of community learning in empowering housewives through home industries in Cisait Village. The research method used is a case study using Participatory Action Research with a qualitative approach, involving interviews and observations. The research results show that community learning plays an important role in improving the skills and knowledge of housewives in managing home industries. Through training and mentoring, housewives can develop flagship products with high market value, such as snacks. Empowering housewives also has a positive impact on the local economy and increases the participation of housewives in decision-making at the village level. Overall, community learning in empowering housewives through home industries in Cisait Village contributes positively to improving the welfare of housewives and the local community. Continuous support from various parties is needed to ensure the sustainability of this program and promote inclusive and sustainable local economic growth.


Keywords: Empowerment of Housewives; Home Industries; Welfare

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