The Correlation between Family Literacy and Reading Interest at Klambir V Kebun Village
Literacy skills can be defined as the ability to absorb information in the form of knowledge from text or oral related to the development of cognitive abilities, whose specific implementation can be in reading or writing activities. The urgency of improving reading should continue to increase and be considered by all parties. Family literacy is a valuable investment in children's development and helps promote literacy throughout life. In this study, the explanatory research design was used. The study's sample consisted of families at Klambir V Kebun village. There were twenty families in the sample. Instrument testing, the classical assumption test, the coefficient of determination test, and hypothesis testing were used to assess the research results. It was found that that there was an influence of family literacy on reading interest at Klambir V Kebun village. Parents who took part in the study indicated that they gained more tools to be successful literacy coaches through the researchers' technique education and interactions with other parents. The results also showed how challenging it may be to encourage family literacy activities among time-pressed parents, particularly those who don't think reading aloud to their kids can help them become better readers.
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