The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and the Effectiveness of Online Problem Based Learning (PBL) Discussion for Medical Students of FKIK Untirta
A study of nursing students at the Bali Institute of Technology and Health found that 60.3% of students were in the high emotional intelligence category. (Ni Kadek, 2022). The results of Pioh dkk (2016) show that as much as 95% of students stated that the effectiveness of the PBL group discussion was well assessed in its implementation.5 The success of the PBL group explored by Dolmans dkk, they found a linear relationship between the success of PBL tutorial group and several dimensions of motivation and cognitive (elaborasi dan interaksi). According to Dolman, there is a problem that is called "ritual" behavior, which is that students pretend to be active in the discussion process, while in fact they are not involved in the debate process. 5 Emotional intelligence will drive student learning motivation. Lack of learning motivation in discussion group members will cause students to contribute only little and less actively during discussion. Given the importance of group discussion learning method (PBL) in achieving medical learning CPL, the author is interested in conducting research into the relationship between emotional intelligence and the effectiveness of group discussions online in FKIK Untirta medical students. Research design method using cross sectional design, quantitative observational research. The researchers used a stratified random sampling technique on a medical student. The reseach uses two types of questionnaires; the adoption questionnaire of the Emotional Competence Inventory of Ini Kadek’s research, and the Tutorial Group Effectiveness Instrument (TGEI). Based on the results of the study, the majority of emotional intelligence were in the middle category with 50 respondents (53,2%), in the high category 44 respondents (46,8%), and no respondents in the low emotional intelligence category. PBL discussions conducted by medical students of FKIK Untirta have been conducted effectively (98,9%). Bivariate analysis using Fisher Exact Test, showed no relationship (p>0,05) between emotional intelligence and discussion effectiveness. The category of emotional intelligence in students is at a moderate leel, the PBL discussions are already running effectively. There was no relationship between emotional intelligence and effectiveness of PBL discussions.
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