The fatality cases in the latest BPJS Employment data for 2021 amounted to 6,054 out of 234,370 work accident cases. The Serang and Cilegon areas are known as industrial areas in Banten province. The effect of fatalities in work accidents has a negative impact on various sectors, including workers, companies and the country, where the number of claims from work accident cases reaches 1.79 trillion a year. This research was conducted to look at the picture of fatality cases examined at the Serang and Cilegon regional hospitals and also identify factors related to fatalities in work accident cases.
This research uses quantitative methods with a retrospective cross sectional approach. Research subjects were taken through medical record data and corpse obstruction reports in work accident cases sent to the Emergency Room (IGD) and the Forensic & Medicolegal Installation at RSUD.Dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara and Cilegon City Regional Hospital. The method for taking subjects used a total sampling technique, a total of 323 subjects were obtained from this research. The data analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square test and FISHER's Exact Test in the SPSS data processing application.
The number of subjects in the study was 323 workers with information that 297 were live work accident cases and 26 were fatal work accident cases. From univariate analysis, data was obtained that the location of the most injuries in work accident cases was in the head, the majority of workers who experienced work accidents were <45 years old (83.28%) and a greater number of male workers experienced work accidents compared to female workers (82.66%). Meanwhile, work accidents were found to occur more frequently during the day (75.54%). From the results of the bivariate analysis, it was found that there was a statistically significant relationship between gender and fatality (p < 0.012), where in this study all fatality cases were experienced by men.
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