Pengaruh Tingkat Demokrasi (Tipe Rezim) Suatu Negara terhadap Anggaran Pertahanan

Endro Tri Susdarwono


The democracy index categorizes each country into one of four regime types: full democracy, flawed democracy, hybrid regime, and authoritarian regime. This research aims to provide a description of the influence of a country's level of democracy (regime type) on the defense budget. The research question to be answered is whether the higher or lower level of democracy in a country affects the size or size of a country's defense budget. The approach used in this research is quantitative descriptive. The data used uses the Democracy Index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and national defense allocations issued by SIPRI. Data analysis uses the Cramer C correlation hypothesis testing method. This research concludes that there is a correlation between a country's regime type and the size of the defense budget according to the percentage of GDP received. The level of close relationship that occurs between a country's regime type and the size of the defense budget as a percentage of GDP is 0.3869. This correlation value is classified as moderate. However, the possibility of a correlation between the two things has been confirmed.


defense budget; Gross Domestic Product (GDP); democracy index; regime type

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