SOSIALISASI PENCEGAHAN STUNTING DI DESA SANDING, KECAMATAN PETIR, KABUPATEN SERANG BANTEN (Socialization Of Stunting Prevention in Sanding Village, Petir District, Serang Banten)

Devi Faustine Elvina Nuryadin


The problem of failure to thrive in children due to insufficient nutritional intake over a very
long period of time will cause a problem known as stunting. The problem of stunting is a chronic
problem that has become a concern for the Indonesian government. Socialization to provide
information to the community, especially in Sanding Village, Petir District, Serang-Banten, is
needed in efforts to prevent stunting. It is hoped that with socialization, the community, especially
those who become parents, can increase their role in monitoring the growth and development of
their children. This community service activity was carried out in Sanding Village, Petir District,
Serang Banten in February 2023 by giving questionnaires (pre-test and post-test) to the
community who were participants in the socialization. Participants who attended were 88%
housewives with 44% of the most dominant education being junior high school, and 74% fathers
working as laborers with 60% having high school education. During the socialization, 19 (68%)
of the participants who came knew what stunting was, but after the socialization, 27 (96%) almost
all participants already understood what stunting was. The results of the questionnaire also
provided information that the 28 people who attended the socialization activity already
understood the causes and efforts to prevent stunting.

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