Portable urine alcohol detector fabrication with arduino microcontroller-based MQ-3 sensor

Henry Prasetyo, Fitri Nur Indah Sari, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Raditya Linggar Apriyanto


An alcohol detector in urine is a tool that can detect alcohol in a person's urine. This tool detects Ethanol gas using the MQ-3 sensor. The MQ-3 sensor is an analog sensor that has a 5 volt DC power supply specification. Arduino Uno as a data processor obtained from reading the MQ-3 sensor and displayed on the LCD. This tool detects alcohol in a person's urine until it is known whether liquor is in the urine or not. From the design of this urine alcohol detector, the test results show an increase in the ADC sensor value when the sensor detects alcohol. It is known that it takes a different time for the sensor to return to the initial value of various alcohol concentrations. This study concluded that the sensor worked well until the alcohol concentration was 0.1%. The sensor also needed time to return to the starting point, directly proportional to the alcohol concentration examined.



Alcohol, Mikrokontroller Arduino Uno, Sensor MQ-3, Urine

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/gravity.v7i2.11376


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