M Taher, Yeni Abtaria




Reaserch have been done on the impact of the Creative Problem Solving based learning experiments on the concept of resistivity against technology literacy skills of students. experimental design used is one group posttest only design. Subjects were 32 students SMP of Riau province. The research instrument used is tech literacy test about the concept of type constraint in the form of essay essay test given to the group of students after the treatment in the form of Creative Problem Solving based on experiment. From the results of statistical analysis note that the percentage of students who achieve the score above 75 for ideal score 100 amounted to 68.75%. The results showed that the experimentally-based Creative Problem Solving is a method of learning that is effective enough to be used in the context of technological literacy exercises students in learning physics.


Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang dampak penerapan pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving berbasis eksprimen pada konsep hambatan jenis terhadap kemampuan literasi teknologi siswa. Desain eksprimen yang digunakan adalah one group posttest only design. Subyek penelitian adalah 32 siswa SMP di propinsi Riau. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes literasi teknologi tentang konsep hambatan jenis dalam bentuk tes uraian essay yang diberikan kepada kelompok siswa setelah treatment berupa pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving berbasis Eksprimen. Dari hasil analisis statistik diketahui bahwa persentase kuantitas siswa yang mencapai skor diatas 75 untuk skor ideal 100 berjumlah 68,75 %.   Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Creative Problem Solving berbasis eksprimen merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang cukup efektif untuk digunakan dalam rangka melatihkan literasi teknologi siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika.


Creative Problem Solving; Literasi Teknologi; Konsep Hambat Jenis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30870/gravity.v3i2.2598


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Gravity : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika is publihed by Department of Physics Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa jointly with Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI)

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