Analisis SWOT Implementasi Financial Technology Syariah pada PT Telkom Indonesia

Eka Dyah Setyaningsih


The development of sharia financial technology (fintech syariah) is currently a benchmark of the rapid progress of the digital era. In general, everyone is familiar with the conventional financial technology used for everyday financial transactions. Along with that, PT Telkom Indonesia made a policy related to business of digital financial service, especially for fintech syariah for compliance, issuing syariah financial technology product aimed at developing fintech syariah telkom strategy to work on market opportunity in segments of Muslim society banked and unbanked by optimizing base Telkom Group as an early adopter and profiling customer. Having a sharia finance core that is reliable has features with flexibility access to financial services (USSD, SMS, mobile). Observing this in addressing the competition between conventional and sharia financial technology, this paper aims to implement the policy of financial technology that can understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges real in the context of asset management internally and externally through the development of studies of financial literature of sharia technology


Implementation, financial technology syariah, swot analysis

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